Sunday, January 26, 2020
Research On The Native American Tribes History Essay
Research On The Native American Tribes History Essay Native American tribes from far west coast all the way to the east coast experienced life differently due to conditions of the land. How did the geographical location of tribes affect the life styles of the Native Americans? There were hundreds of tribes and each was unique in a variety of ways from clothing and language; to hunting and gathering resources. Native Americans living in the middle of the United States may have had the best rate, due to the vast land, weather conditions, and food resources. When most Americans think of Indians they refer to the people of the Great Plains; hunting buffalo, war attire, and teepees are commonly what they think of. The tribes of the Great Plains were large in numbers. The reason that this area of tribes is so well recognized is that they were able to maintain life longer then any other areas of Native Americans. One tribe from the Great Plains was the Comanche Indians. The Comanche were a strong group of Indians after obtaining horses in the late 1600s. Horses gave them an advantage in taking over larger areas of land all the way from southwestern Kansas, eastern New Mexico, western Oklahoma, Texas, southeastern Colorado, and northern Mexico. The life style of the Comanche people was based on one thingâ⬠¦ the horse. The Comanche people would not have been as successful without this animal. They would breed and maintain huge herds of horses, and then would trade them to the native people of the northern plains. They also tracked the wild mustang herds that roamed the areas. The children of the tribes would obtain a horse of there own at the age of four or five, they would train it and then would become successful hunters. The women of the tribes would sometimes hunt antelope with the men. The young men of the tribes used the horses for war as well as hunting buffalo. The men became such good riders that they could hang off the side of their horse in battle and shoot arrows under the neck of the horse, using the horse as a shield. Another major part of the life for the Great Plains Native Americans was war. The Comanche people killed more non Indian people then any other tribe. By 1840 the Comanches had allied themselves with several other tribes; Arapaho, Cheyenne, and Kiowa. When Mexico became independent in 1821 and Texas fell into the rules set by Mexico, which did not go over well for a lot of the people coming to Texas, the Comanche people were killing most of the travelers. They were also attacking anyone tha t was traveling on the Santa Fe Trail. The most famous battle involving the Comanches was the battle of the Alamo. The Comanche tribe consisted of many different smaller tribes. These bands were considered one because they spoke the same language. It was believed that the Comanche were part of the Shoshone tribe originally. A similarity in language is why people believe that these two may have branched apart. The Shoshone tribe along with many other tribes covered the Great Plains stretching from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River and from Central Texas all the way up to Alberta, Canada. These people lived on wild game from large animals to small, mostly living on buffalo. The people would use almost every part of this animal from the hide to the bones and everything in between. It is thought that before the 1500s the only two non farming tribes were the Blackfoot and Comanche tribes. Even though the tribes of the plains were very successful using the land other tribes in different regions were not so fortunate. The land territory used by the Northwest Native Americans is not large. It is about 2,000 miles in length and only about 150 mile wide. However, the vast area of water they inhabited by was very useful to them in their survival. A majority of the Northwest is made up of islands and large mountain ranges. With the chain of islands to the west and the mountains to the east, the Native Americans would live on the edge of the oceans. This protected them from a lot of the elements such as ocean storms, the abundance of rain, and the cold conditions that would come during the winter months. Due to the amount of water that would come upon this region the trees and vegetation were plentiful. The huge trees that grew in this area were used for many things within the tribes. The Nootka tribe located in the Vancouver Island area, used the huge trees to make many item s like totem poles, their living courts, and at least six different styles of canoes. Canoes were the mood of means for the people of the Northwest coast line. A vast majority of the hunting was done by water, however, some game animals were hunted in the winter months due to the harsh conditions of the Northwest coast. Whale hunting provided the Nootka tribe with a lot of great materials like oil, bones for tools, baleen for trapping, and of course plenty of meat. The Nootka tribe was the only tribe to hunt whales because of there size. The leader of the canoe would have been given this position from his father, and he would harpoon the whale first, he would also receive the first piece of the whale when it was returned to shore to be rationed out between the others. Fish trades between the whites were often, and if the Nootka were ever crossed by the whites they would kill them with no hesitations. The buildings constructed by the Nootka tribe were amazing in there size, some time s being 100 feet in length and 40 feet in width. There were built with large planks of cedar and each plank was removable. The homes were inhabited by several families of the tribe. The leader of the home would sleep in the rear right corner of the home, and the next of kin would inhabit the left rear corner of the home. The front of the home nearest to the door would be stocked with supplies. Outside the front doors of the homes would be large totem polls carved into them would be faces of animals. The faces were chosen by the shaman or people in secret societies. Since these people lived on the coastal shores they came in to contact with white man sooner then others. Another costal tribe that came in contact with non Native Americans was the Cherokees, located on the Southeast coast. In 1540 Spanish explorers crossed into the Cherokee territory. Then French and English traders from the north and east started to appear making trade prominent for the Southeast Indians. The Cherokees were allies with the British in the French and Indian War. The Cherokee helped the British in the conflicts that took place, but only supported them for five of the seven years, after a dispute over a group of wild horses and scalps that had been claimed for bounty. For 2 years the British were in a war with the Cherokee Indians. The Cherokee finally surrendered, they were required to release a huge piece of land that was next to British settlements. After many difficult periods, the Cherokee knew that they were experienced in agriculture and rebuilt their lives based on this fundamental skill. The tribes of the Southeast were able to grow massive crops due to the land conditions. This also benefited them, because large crops meant sizable communities. They grew many of the foods that are familiar with Thanksgiving dinners; corn, sweet potatoes, squash, and beans. The tribes of the Southeast did not move often so there homes were constructed were of two shapes, mostly poles tied with vines and covered in mud or animal hide. They hunted and fished every species of animal that inhabited the area. The Cherokee were the only tribe of the Southeast that spoke the language of Iroquoian. The Cherokee tribe watched and learned from the Americans for years, which is why they are so similar to the Americans. The Cherokee even established a government like the United States. Unfortunately neither they nor any other tribe of the Southeast were treated like Americans, an Indian Removal Act was put into place and the American settlers began taking over the Indians lands forcing them west of the rivers. The Trail of tears is one of the worse events in history fo r the Native American Indians. The event was when soldiers forced the natives to move west while the settlers over took their land. Many Indians died on the travel west due to starvation, disease, and weather conditions. It would be countless years later before the Native people would see any reconciliation for what the lands and treatment that they endured. All in all, I have found that Native Americans were equals in the struggles that they faced. Each region faced different challenges with weather, but all were able to adapt to those conditions. Just like American today, languages are slightly different from the Far East to the Great West and everywhere in between. The clothing these tribes wore was similar in many ways, because a large majority of their clothing was made from animal hide. Hides were also used in the making of the lodging that the natives inhabited. Many Native American Indians still have land conservations and continue to live as they did in the early years of American civilization though it will never be as it once was for these people.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Cost Effects on Pricing Decisions Essay
Pricing decisions for products are affected by many different factors such as demand, cost, competition, strategy, and profitability. Cost is one factor that has numerous ramifications on the final price of a product. Cost includes many aspects including manufacturing cost, damaged goods, theft, transportation, and overhead. When determining the price of a product, one must balance what the market is willing to pay with supply and demand. When examining supply and demand, one can see that as supply increases then demand decreases. Yet, supply does not determine the price of a product. The goal is to base the price on the interaction between a supply and demand equilibrium that is mutually beneficial. Cost is a figure that must be examined on the supply side of the pricing decision. Manufacturing costs is the number one consideration in determining price. The manufacturing process will include a cost cushion for goods that are damaged in the process and a no longer viable. Overhead costs such as administrative costs must be considered in the total cost of a product. Next, the movement of the product to distributors or retailers impacts the cost. Transporting the product has a cost and any goods that get damaged in the transportation process also have a cost to the product. Finally, once the product has reached the distributor or retailer, theft is a common problem that can affect cost and pricing. If a product is stolen, the manufacturer does not receive compensation for all the previously mentioned costs. This loss in compensation needs to be accounted for somewhere along the process so the manufacturer does not lose money. Usually, a cushion is built into the final price of the product that will account for losses such as theft and damaged goods. Product costs are a critical component in the final pricing of a product. Accounting for all aspects of product costs is essential in determining a price that will allow profits to be made.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Incidental Uses And Disclosures Health And Social Care Essay
Minimum Necessary. -Covered entities besides must implement sensible minimal necessary policies and processs that limit how much protected wellness information is used, disclosed, and requested for certain intents. These minimal necessary policies and processs besides moderately must restrict who within the entity has entree to protected wellness information, and under what conditions, based on occupation duties and the nature of the concern. The minimal necessary criterion does non use to revelations, including unwritten revelations, among wellness attention suppliers for intervention intents. For illustration, a doctor is non required to use the minimal necessary criterion when discoursing a patient ââ¬Ës medical chart information with a specializer at another infirmary. Personal Representatives.-A individual authorized under province or other jurisprudence to move on behalf of the person in doing health-related determinations. Examples include a court-appointed defender with medical authorization, a wellness attention agent under a wellness attention placeholder, and a parent moving on behalf of an unemancipated child ( with exclusions where province jurisprudence gives bush leagues the right to do wellness determinations ) . For a dead person, the personal representative may be an executor, decision maker, or other authorised individual for affairs refering PHI. Business Associate ââ¬â An outside person/entity that performs a service on behalf of the wellness attention supplier ( including a research worker ) or the wellness attention establishment during which separately identifiable wellness information is created, used, or disclosed. Certain exclusions apply. Use and disclosure- The sharing of separately identifiable wellness information within a covered entity. For Partners ââ¬Ë intents, a usage is the sharing of such information within the Partners affiliated covered entity. As good a release of identifiable wellness information to anyone or any entity outside of the Partners affiliated covered entity. Public Health Authority ââ¬â A federal, province, local or tribal individual or organisation that is required to carry on public wellness activities. Research ââ¬â A systematic probe, including research development, proving and rating, designed to develop or lend to generalizable cognition. Affiliated Covered Entity- Legally separate wellness attention suppliers ( or wellness programs or clearinghouses ) that are under common ownership or control and that choose to follow with HIPAA privateness ordinances as one attached entity. Partners has designated itself as one affiliated covered entity, which includes all Partners infirmaries, affiliated physician organisations, PCHI, and owned or managed PCHI patterns. This appellation permits easier sharing of separately identifiable wellness attention information within the system and avoids the demand for some ââ¬Å" concern associate â⬠understandings. Worker compensation Laws- The HIPAA Privacy Rule does non use to entities that are either workers ââ¬Ë compensation insurance companies, workers ââ¬Ë compensation administrative bureaus, or employers, except to the extent they may otherwise be covered entities. However, these entities need entree to the wellness information of persons who are injured on the occupation or who have a work-related unwellness to procedure or adjudicate claims, or to organize attention under workers ââ¬Ë compensation systems. Notice-The HIPAA Privacy Rule gives persons a cardinal new right to be informed of the privateness patterns of their wellness programs and of most of their wellness attention suppliers, every bit good as to be informed of their privateness rights with regard to their personal wellness information. Health programs and covered wellness attention suppliers are required to develop and administer a notice that provides a clear account of these rights and patterns. The notice is intended to concentrate persons on privateness issues and concerns, and to motivate them to hold treatments with their wellness programs and wellness attention suppliers and exercise their rights.A.Ada Del Riego Per.5 High blood pressure hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // High blood pressure is the term used to depict high blood force per unit area. Blood force per unit area is a measuring of the force against the walls of your arterias as your bosom pumps blood through your organic structure. Blood force per unit area readings are normally given as two Numberss ââ¬â for illustration, 120 over 80 ( written as 120/80 mmHg ) . One or both of these Numberss can be excessively high. The top figure is called the systolic blood force per unit area, and the bottom figure is called the diastolic blood force per unit area. Where there are 3 types of manner to look at you BP like first: Normal blood force per unit area is when your blood force per unit area is lower than 120/80 mmHg most of the clip. High blood force per unit area ( high blood pressure ) is when your blood force per unit area is 140/90 mmHg or above most of the clip. If your blood force per unit area Numberss are 120/80 or higher, but below 140/90, it is called pre-hypertension. If you have pre-hypertension, you are more likely to develop high blood force per unit area. If you have bosom or kidney jobs, or if you had a shot, your physician may desire your blood force per unit area to be even lower than that of people who do non hold these conditions.Causes, incidence, and hazard factorsMany factors can impact blood force per unit area, including: How much H2O and salt you have in your organic structure. The status of your kidneys, nervous system, or blood vass. The degrees of different organic structure endocrines You are more likely to be told your blood force per unit area is excessively high as you get older. This is because your blood vass become stiffer as you age. When that happens, your blood force per unit area goes up. High blood force per unit area increases your opportunity of holding a shot, bosom onslaught, bosom failure, kidney disease, and early decease. You have a higher hazard of high blood force per unit area if you are African American, corpulent, or stressed or dying, imbibe excessively much intoxicant. As good have to eat excessively much salt, a household history of high blood force per unit area, have diabetes, or fume. Most of the clip, no cause of high blood force per unit area is found. This is called indispensable high blood pressure.SymptomsMost of the clip, there are no symptoms. For most patients, high blood force per unit area is found when they visit their wellness attention supplier or have it checked elsewhere. Because there are no symptoms, people can develop bosom disease and kidney jobs without cognizing they have high blood force per unit area.Signs and trialsYour wellness attention supplier will look into your blood force per unit area several times before naming you with high blood force per unit area. It is normal for your blood force per unit area to be different depending on the clip of twenty-four hours. Blood force per unit area readings taken at place may be a better step of your current blood force per unit area than those taken at your physician ââ¬Ës office. Make certain you get a good quality, well-fitting place device. It should hold the proper sized turnup and a digital read-out.TreatmentThe end of intervention is to cut down blood force per unit area so that you have a lower hazard of complications. You and your wellness attention supplier should put a blood force per unit area end for you. If you have pre-hypertension, your wellness attention supplier will urge lifestyle alterations to convey your blood force per unit area down to a normal scope. Medicines are seldom used for pre-hypertension. You can make many things to assist command your blood force per unit area, including: Exercise on a regular basis ââ¬â at least 30 proceedingss of aerophilic exercising a twenty-four hours. If you smoke, quit ââ¬â happen a plan that will assist you halt. Restrict how much intoxicant you drink ââ¬â one drink a twenty-four hours for adult females, two a twenty-four hours for work forces. Limit the sum of Na ( salt ) you eat ââ¬â purpose for less than 1,500 mg per twenty-four hours. Reduce emphasis ââ¬â seek to avoid things that cause you emphasis. You can besides seek speculation or yoga. Stay at a healthy organic structure weight ââ¬â happen a weight-loss plan to assist you, if you need it. Your wellness attention supplier can assist you find plans for losing weight, halting smoke, and exerting. You can besides acquire a referral from your physician to a dietitian, who can assist you plan a diet that is healthy for you.PreventionAdults over 18 should hold their blood force per unit area checked on a regular basis. Lifestyle alterations may assist command your blood force per unit area. Follow your wellness attention supplier ââ¬Ës recommendations to modify, dainty, or control possible causes of high blood force per unit area Refrences: hypertext transfer protocol: //
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Essay about The Scourge of Terrorism - 3471 Words
The quest for peace, happiness, and tranquility are the ultimate desires of all humans. A placid emotional state that is individually subjective. Individuals have a right to pursue the happiness they desire. And yet strife, injustice, want, and oppression are what most individuals on earth experience, to varying degrees. These iniquities spawn increasing acts of terrorism and are characteristic of a variety of despondent groups. Will terrorism be a world-wide scourge in the 21st century? What interaction is there between terrorists and the television media? What is the responsibility of each person on this planet to minimize the negative consequences of terrorism? September 11, 2001, marked a significant point in the history ofâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦As a consequence the abnormal seems normal, the unthinkable thinkable, and in some countries, such as Lebanon, the intolerable is tolerated (Said, 2006). Terrorism is a fact of life due to the news media, who have converte d terrorist leaders and groups into household names. Defining terrorism depends on which side of the issue one may find themselves. Are the subversives of El Salvador terrorists or a ââ¬Ëpeopleââ¬â¢s national liberation movementââ¬â¢? Are the contras of Nicaragua terrorists, or are they ââ¬Å"freedom fightersâ⬠? Terrorism, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder and an individualââ¬â¢s political persuasion can distort that definition. Benjamin Netanyahu, a former Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, offered this definition of terrorism: ââ¬Å"The deliberate and systematic murder, maiming, and menacing of the innocent to inspire fear for political endsâ⬠(Netanyahu, 2001). In an article written by Michael Staples, Major James Scott Taylor Jr. defines terrorism in the following quote: Terrorism is ââ¬Å"usually characterized by a variety of tactics, such as assassination, hijacking, kidnapping, sabotage, and the use of innocent victims to affect a third party. Terrorism, in short, is the creation of fear in a population in order to force the existing system to respond to the terroristsââ¬â¢ demands and objectivesâ⬠(Staples, 2008). In a lecture by Edmund Santurri (1992), he quotes Catholic professor of theology JamesShow MoreRelatedHuman Behavior And Individual s Life Experiences1242 Words à |à 5 Pages To what extent psychopathology, individualââ¬â¢s personality and individualââ¬â¢s life experiences are relevant to understand terrorism? In the current national security environment, there is no doubt that terrorism is one of the major scourges our society is exposed to. 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